OCTOBER 21, 2024
Powering Radical Change with Intelligent Computing
North Bethesda, MD, 10/21/2024 – Across the arc of human history, we have seen a few moments that have radically changed the world as we know it. While change happens all the time, radical change requires a special spark — one that only occurs when what was once scarce is available to everyone. With the rise of technology and innovations, we are seeing these moments occur more frequently, with more disruption and at unprecedented speed.
The moments of radical change were fueled by the ubiquitous sharing of previously rare inventions or resources. Transcribed books were not the breakthrough, printing and mass production of books was. Internet routers and the network were not the breakthrough, the ability to virtualize business was. As impressive as it is, a singular powerful chatbot is not the breakthrough, putting AI in the hands of everyday users is. The great moments of radical change all share one commonality: When the scarce resource is made available and accessible to the masses, then, and only then, does the revolution take off and the world is forever changed.
The inflection points in human history listed below show that for a new idea, resource, or technology to bring radical change, its distribution and use must reach a global scale. At each point of radical change, the speed of business was propelled forward 10 times, causing immense disruption in every industry and massive competitive advantage for the first movers.
Macey Smith
Vice President
United Solutions
(301) 880-9115
[email protected]